Book Review: Off the Rails in Phnom Penh: Into the Dark Heart of Guns, Girls, and Ganja

A book review I hear you're engaging in intellectual persuits rather than getting inebriated and watching the Gooners!!! What's wrong with you Penfold? Have you suffered some kind of cranial trauma or been visited by the ghost of Evelyn Waugh? Actually, it's a book that will appeal to a broad range of people and not just pipe smoking English professors!!! Far from being an artsy-fartsy critique on the works of Proust or Dostoevsky it's a simple review of Amit Gilboa's best-selling book, entitled, "Off the Rails in Phnom Penh: Into the Dark Heart of Guns, Girls, and Ganja" . As the title suggests, it's a lurid exposé of the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, vividly describing the daily lives and exploits, of a "colourful" group of expats. It caused a real stir in South East Asia, when it was published in 1998, due its disturbing content, searing honesty and its darkly humourous portrayal of modern day Cambodia. The poweful combinat...