Royal cremation ceremony of the late King Bhumibol Aduladej

An estimated 250,000 Thai citizens have lined the streets of the captial, Bangkok, to pay their final respects to their late King. A symbolic funeral urn was taken by chariot to the site of the cremation, in an elaborate procession accompanied by traditional flute music, drums and an artillery salute, which marks the main part of a five-day ceremony. Many buildings are adorned with yellow marigold flowers, whilst crowds of mourners hold images of their beloved monarch and are dressed in black as a sign of respect. The funeral officially started on Wednesday 25th October, with a merit-making ceremony, an important Buddhist rite, in the Grand Palace. Today, a series of Buddhist rites began in the royal palace ahead of the procession and the late king will be cremated later in a royal pyre to be lit by his son, King Maha Vajiralongkorn. The chariot carrying the urn in the second part of the procession has been used since the 18th century. It was pulled by a team of more than ...