Attempted murder

During the course of last night a rather unseemly incident occured. One of our tenants narrowly escaped being killed afer being targeted by gunmen.

Around 10.30pm, 2 shots ran out which woke my wife and sister-in-law and caused a bit of a commotion.

At first I didn't believe they were gunshots and I casually dismissed them. The reason for my nonchalence is that loud noises are a regular occurance here in Thailand and it's not unusual to hear fireworks or firecrackers being set off late at night.

However, in the cold light of day it was obvious that our tenant had been very lucky to avoid serious injury or death.

The tenant in question has recently upset some local political bigwigs and it transpires that she also owes money to loan I fear there may be more trouble to come!!!

It's suddenly feeling more like Baghdad than Banglamung at the moment......I may have to invest in a bullet-proof vest and make sure I carry a change of underwear too!!!


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